This is a program on Genetically Modified Organisms-GMO, one of the issues which makes the globe to still have an argument as whether the technology is harmful to human health and ecology or not, and whether is beneficial to small farmers or not.
To get more on that, you will be able to hear on the program Geoffrey Jaffuel a PHD student doing bio-control at Neuchâtel University-Switzerland, Danielle Rouiller an ecological farmer at Cernier in the canton of Neuchâtel, Marc Treboux a PHD holder in chemistry and the president of Agriculture and food consumer’s association in Neuchâtel, Philippe Vaucher a local politician and member of Legislative in Val-de-Travers from POP political party and Miguel Altieri a Professor of Agro-ecology at the University of California, Remember, the program has been facilitated by Looking Beyond (EQDA) who made me travel all the way from Tanzania-East Africa to Switzerland-Europe.
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