
Babken Tunyan & Antoinette Prince


Swiss MP: Armenia’s “Putinization” is in progress

A Aknashen, sous le pin, l’espoir n’est plus au rendez-vous

Le difficile retour

Après quinze ans de galère, enfin une vie « normale »

Babken Tunyan & Antoinette Prince

Babken Tunyan
I was born in 1980, Yerevan, Armenia. In 2001 I graduated from the Yerevan State University (faculty of Economics) with bachelor’s degree. In 2003 I got masters degree in Economics at the same University. In 2003 I went to Russian-Armenian University to defend my PhD, but unfortunately there was no enough time to combine work and study, so I stopped the educational process. Instead, while working I had a lot of opportunities of trainings and lectures in Armenia and in other contries (United Kingdom, United States of America, France). The most significant course was in London. I was choosen by the Hansard Scholars program and studied public policy 3 months at the London School of Economics. As for work experience, I started to work quite early, in my second year of study. In 1999 I started to work at the Armenian Red cross society as assitant of the head of Migration department. Then I worked for the NGO of producers and exporters of natural active substances (assistant of the president), in TV5 channel. I came to 168 Hours newspaper in 2005 and still work there. I work as economic observer, but often cover also political, foreign and social issues. Since 2012, when our website was renewed, I was apoointed editor of the economic sector of the online version. I want to mention, that for a short period (2007-2009) I was the chief editor of the “3 Million” magazine, which was a part of 168 Hours LLC.
Antoinette Prince
Depuis cinq ans, Antoinette Prince travaille à l’Agence télégraphique suisse (ATS) à la rubrique internationale et online. Elle participe aussi à la rédaction de L’Accent multilatéral, une publication de la Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC) et du Secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie (SECO). Après des études de pédagogie curative et une première quinzaine d’années dans l’enseignement spécialisé, elle a décidé de bifurquer vers le journalisme, son vieux rêve. Elle s’est formée comme journaliste RP dans des rédactions régionales et à la rubrique suisse de l’ATS. Aujourd’hui, elle satisfait ses envies d’ailleurs et sa curiosité par des voyages et son goût pour les langues.

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