Née en 1981, Stefania Summermatter a grandi à Chiasso, une ville de frontière entre l’Italie et la Suisse, où l’on ne fait que passer. Après des études en travail social et politiques sociales à l’Université de Fribourg, elle a commencé son parcours de journaliste au Teletext, avant de rejoindre la rédaction italophone de swissinfo.ch en 2008. Voyageuse passionnée, elle s’intéresse aux questions sociopolitiques et en particulier aux thèmes liés à la migration et au déracinement. Avec de petits détours derrière la caméra, dans les coulisses du cinéma..
Mihret Aschalew Teshome is a young journalism practitioner, born and raised in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. She has been practicing journalism for the past seven years and presently works as an assistant editor to The Reporter newspaper. She studied political science and international relations at the Addis Ababa University (AAU). She also has taken project planning and management courses at the Ugandan Makerere University. And currently she is doing her MA degree at Addis Ababa University.
She took various skills trainings on reporting and radio presentation. Mihret has been working for radio program about ten months as an exchange participant in Uganda in 2010.
Her journalistic area of interest is mostly concentrated into looking at the impacts of social, political and economic issues on everyday lives. She wrote so many articles ranging from women empowerment, youth leader ship, migration and trafficking and societal change and transition.
She is of person who dares to do things in a different way and she desires and enjoys changes. She is currently an active member of Ethiopian Environmental Journalist Association (EEJA) and Ethiopian women journalists associations (EMWA).
Mihret was second runner up of the foreign correspondents association competition held in Ethiopia in 2012, under the title journalism excellence in print category.